Law Nº 8776 - Exemption to the Administrative Associations of Communal Aqueduct and Sewer Systems (ASADAS)

Law Nº 8776 - Exemption to the Administrative Associations of Communal Aqueduct and Sewer Systems (ASADAS) thumbnail

This legislation increased funding for the Community Aqueduct and Sewer Systems Administrator Associations in order to improve sewage system management. This association is charged with regulating sewerage systems in the country.

Applicable countryCosta Rica
Original publication14 Oct 2009
Entered into force14 Oct 2009
Latest update14 Oct 2009
Available languages
Spanish Ley Nº 8776 - Exoneración a las Asociaciones Administradoras de Sistemas de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Comunales (ASADAS)