Regulation on indicators and values of acceptable pollution of surface waters and waste waters, on permits to discharge waste waters into surface water and sewerage, and on sensitive areas

Regulation on indicators and values of acceptable pollution of surface waters and waste waters, on permits to discharge waste waters into surface water and sewerage, and on sensitive areas thumbnail

This regulation establishes water quality standards, indicators of acceptable waste water pollution, environmental quality standards, requirements for the discharge of wastewater, a list of hazardous substances, and indicators for the status of water.

Applicable countryCzechia
Effluent wastewater disposal
Water quality monitoring
Original publication30 Dec 2015
Entered into force1 Jan 2016
Latest update30 Dec 2015
Available languages
Czech Nařízení vlády o ukazatelích a hodnotách přípustného znečištění povrchových vod a odpadních vod, náležitostech povolení k vypouštění odpadních vod do vod povrchových a do kanalizací a o citlivých oblastech