Law on the Water Authority No.18 of 1988 as amended by Law No.62 of 2001

Law on the Water Authority No.18 of 1988 as amended by Law No.62 of 2001 thumbnail

This law establishes the Water Authority to conserve water resources and take responsibility for all duties relating to water and pubic sewerage. This law also prohibits work related to water and wastewater without obtaining approval from the Authority first.

Applicable countryJordan
Water quality monitoring
Water quality standards
Effluent wastewater disposal
Pollutant disposal in water sources
Original publication1 Nov 2001
Entered into force1 Nov 2001
Latest update1 Nov 2001
Available languages
Arabic قانون سلطة المياه رقم (18) لسنة 1988م كما عدلت بالقانون رقم (62) لسنة 2001