Ministerial Decree No. 104 validating Sanitary Regulation

“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for water sources, water abstraction points for economic and potable purposes, economic and potable water supply, places of recreational water uses and safety of waterbodies."

Ministerial Decree No. 104 validating Sanitary Regulation  thumbnail

This Decree establishes sanitary and epidemiological requirements for protection of the sources of water supply against pollution, determination of the boundaries of sanitary water protection zone related to potable water supply, sets forth quality standards for potable water, water supply waterworks and sewerage system, water disinfection and centralized hot water supply.

Applicable countryKazakhstan
Water quality standards
Original publication18 Jan 2012
Entered into force18 Jan 2012
Latest update18 Jan 2012
Available languages
Russian Об утверждении Санитарных правил "Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к водоисточникам, местам водозабора для хозяйственно-питьевых целей, хозяйственно-питьевому водоснабжению и местам культурно-бытового водопользования и безопасности водных объектов" Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 18 января 2012 года № 104.