Public Health Act (Cap. 277)

Public Health Act (Cap. 277) thumbnail

The Act addresses a range of public health concerns in Mauritius, such as food safety, sanitary water supplies, environmental health officers, diseases, sanitation, and mosquito control measures.

Applicable countryMauritius
Quarantine and isolation
Risk communication and community engagement
Water quality standards
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to quarantine
List of actionable diseases
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to isolate
Transparency requirements
Original publication31 Dec 1925
Entered into force31 Dec 1925
Latest update23 Dec 2006
Relevant articles

Sections 48-49, 78-80, and 136 address national powers for isolation. Sections 79 and 80 address national power to quarantine. Sections 49, 79, and 139 address patient penalties. Note that although the policy defines "infectious or communicable diseases" as diseases referred to under Section 71, the diseases in Section 71 only apply to Section 71.

Part V, 79 Transparency requirements

Available languages
English Public Health Act (Cap. 277)