Regulation on quality and sanitary-technical conditions for wastewater discharge, manner and procedure of testing wastewater quality and content of the report on determined wastewater quality

Regulation on quality and sanitary-technical conditions for wastewater discharge, manner and procedure of testing wastewater quality and content of the report on determined wastewater quality thumbnail

This regulation defines the quality and sanitary condition standards for wastewater disposal into sewers. It also provides for the procedure for testing and reporting the quality of wastewater.

Applicable countryMontenegro
Effluent wastewater disposal
Original publication24 Sep 2019
Entered into force1 Oct 2019
Latest update24 Sep 2019
Available languages
Montenegrin Pravilnik o kvalitetu i sanitarno-tehničkim uslovima za ispuštanje otpadnih voda, načinu i postupku ispitivanja kvaliteta otpadnih voda i sadržaju izvještaja o utvrđenom kvalitetu otpadnih voda