Decree No. 176 - Activities related to situations of high public risk due to their implications for health or the environment and the types of establishments that due to their activity are of sanitary interest

Decree No. 176 - Activities related to situations of high public risk due to their implications for health or the environment and the types of establishments that due to their activity are of sanitary interest thumbnail

This decree establishes standards for activities that risk human and environmental health, including all establishments involved in sanitation and wastewater treatment facilities. The regulation also defines which activities are classified as high-risk for human and environmental health.

Applicable countryPanama
Medical waste disposal
Original publication27 May 2019
Entered into force27 May 2019
Latest update27 May 2019
Available languages
Spanish Decreto Nº 176 - Actividades relacionadas con situaciones de alto riesgo público por sus implicaciones a la salud o al medio ambiente y los tipos de establecimientos que por su actividad son de interés sanitario