Law on Patents (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 99/2011, 113/2017, 95/2018 and 66/2019)

Law on Patents (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 99/2011, 113/2017, 95/2018 and 66/2019) thumbnail
Applicable countrySerbia
Compulsory licensing provision
Pharmaceutical export provision
Original publication26 Dec 2011
Entered into force4 Jan 2012
Latest update26 Dec 2011
Relevant articles

Articles 26-33

Available languages
English Law on Patents (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 99/2011, 113/2017, 95/2018 and 66/2019)
Serbian Закон о патентима („Службени гласник РС”, бр. 99/11, 113/17-др. закон, 95/18 и 66/19)