Decision of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism of 20 March 2019 no. 630, laying down general conditions for companies and professions subject to a license

Decision of the Minister of Trade, Industry and Tourism of 20 March 2019 no. 630, laying down general conditions for companies and professions subject to a license thumbnail

This regulation establishes rules for businesses and facilities regarding hygienic conditions for manufacturing and sale, waste disposal, the management of wastewater and chemicals, and inspections.

Applicable countrySuriname
Original publication20 Mar 2019
Entered into force20 Mar 2019
Latest update20 Mar 2019
Available languages
Dutch BESCHIKKING van de Minister van Handel, Industrie en Toerisme van 20 maart 2019 no. 630, houdende vaststelling van algemene voorwaarden voor vergunningsplichtige Bedrijven en Beroepen