Federal Act of June 25, 1954, on Patents for Inventions

(Status as of April 1, 2019)

Federal Act of June 25, 1954, on Patents for Inventions thumbnail

The Swiss Institute for Intellectual Property (IGE) also governs patents for inventions for Liechtenstein due to the bilateral patent protection act of 1978. 

Applicable countriesLiechtenstein, Switzerland
Compulsory licensing provision
Pharmaceutical export provision
Original publication25 Jun 1954
Entered into force1 Jan 1956
Latest update1 Apr 2019
Relevant articles

Articles 36-40e

Available languages
English Federal Act of June 25, 1954, on Patents for Inventions
French Loi fédérale du 25 juin 1954 sur les brevets d’invention (état le 1er avril 2019)
German Bundesgesetz vom 25. Juni 1954 über die Erfindungspatente (stand am 1. April 2019)
Italian Legge federale del 25 giugno 1954 sui brevetti d'invenzione (stato 1° aprile 2019)