Decree-Law No. 38/2020 creating the National Authority for Water and Sanitation and approving the related Statute

Decree-Law No. 38/2020 creating the National Authority for Water and Sanitation and approving the related Statute thumbnail

This legislation creates the National Authority for Water and Sanitation to support water resource management, including defining sanitation policy, ensuring the monitoring, inspection and licensing of the use of water resources, and ensuring the monitoring, inspection and licensing of the activity of entities managing water supply and sanitation systems.

Applicable countryTimor-Leste
Water quality standards
Pollutant disposal in water sources
Water quality monitoring
Original publication23 Sep 2020
Entered into force23 Sep 2020
Latest update23 Sep 2020
Available languages
Portuguese Decreto-Lei n. 38/2020 - Cria a Autoridade Nacional para a Água e o Saneamento e Aprova os Respetivos Estatutos.