Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 704 - Modifies Decree No. 349/005, Regulation of Environmental Impact Assessment and environmental authorizations

Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 704 - Modifies Decree No. 349/005, Regulation of Environmental Impact Assessment and environmental authorizations thumbnail

This regulation completes Decree No. 349/005 to include installation of farming center and aquaculture acitivies to be subject to environmental authorization and assessment.

Applicable countryUruguay
Water quality monitoring
Original publication28 Aug 2018
Entered into force28 Aug 2018
Latest update28 Aug 2018
Available languages
Spanish Decreto del Consejo de Ministros Nº 704 - Modifica Decreto Nº 349/005, Reglamento de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental y autorizaciones ambientales.