Antimicrobial resistance in agriculture

Data last updated 1 May 2023
Competent veterinary authority is identified
Competent veterinary authority is not identified
Data not collected

Source: We consulted the national legislature websites for each country as well as the AMR-LEX database, powered by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO LEX). These sites were accessed between January and May 2023.

A key aspect of veterinary legislation's contribution to global health security involves the identification of competent veterinary authority. As delineated by the WOAH Terrestrial Code and the Codex Code of Practice to Minimize and Contain Antimicrobial Resistance, this authority holds the regulatory power to oversee the endorsement, production, distribution, and application of veterinary medical products to ensure they are aligned with established standards, minimizing risks to public health, animal welfare, and the environment. With the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) posing a significant global health concern, a competent veterinary authority can help to implement measures that curb inappropriate use of antibiotics and other antimicrobials which can contribute to the development and spread of drug-resistant pathogens. This includes the authority to restrict specific activities, such as veterinary product prescription and sales, exclusively to authorized professionals like veterinarians. Knowing which countries have legislation in place identifying and empowering a competent veterinary authority allows for the monitoring and assessment of regulatory frameworks to understand the level of preparedness and capacity of different nations to address AMR emergence and other potential disease outbreaks.

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