Law No. 10465 dated 29.9.2011 on the veterinary service in the Republic of Albania

Law No. 10465 dated 29.9.2011 on the veterinary service in the Republic of Albania thumbnail

This Law establishes the State Veterinary Service as the competent veterinary authority in Albania, and contains measures for the prevention and control of communicable diseases in animals, such as quarantine. 

Applicable countryAlbania
Competent veterinary authority
Approval of other animal health measures
Animal movement regulations
Original publication29 Sep 2011
Entered into force14 Oct 2011
Latest update27 Jan 2022
Relevant articles

Chapters III, IV, and VII

Available languages
Albanian Ligj Nr.10 465, datë 29.9.2011 për shërbimin veterinar në Republikën e Shqipërisë