Health Rules (Cap. 231)

Health Rules (Cap. 231) thumbnail

This law provides a framework for a diverse array of public health topics and includes specific regulations for wastewater discharge and protection of water storage facilities.

Applicable countryBahamas
Quarantine and isolation
Water quality standards
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to quarantine
List of actionable diseases
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to isolate
Original publication20 Apr 1935
Entered into force1 Jan 1991
Latest update1 Jan 1991
Relevant articles

Section 56 pertains to quarantine. Sections 58 and 61 pertains to isolation. Sections 56, 58, and 61 pertain to actionable diseases. Section 61 gives the minister powers to remove persons with tuberculosis to isolation hospitals. Section 160 sets forth penalties.

Available languages
English Health Rules (Cap. 231).