Law relating to access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their use

and amending the organic law of December 27, 1990 creating budgetary funds

Law relating to access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their use thumbnail

Establishes rules of access to genetic material in marine territories under the jurisdiction of belgium, as well as material acquired between 1994 and 2014 by federal scientific establishments.

Applicable countryBelgium
Legal sanctions
Prior informed consent (PIC)
Access to resources
Scope of legislation
Original publication13 Oct 2023
Entered into force13 Oct 2023
Latest update13 Oct 2023
Available languages
French Loi relative à l'accès aux ressources génétiques et au partage juste et équitable des avantages découlant de leur utilisation et modifiant la loi organique du 27 décembre 1990 créant des fonds budgétaires
Dutch Wet betreffende de toegang tot de genetische rijkdommen en de eerlijke en billijke verdeling van voordelen voortvloeiende uit hun gebruik en tot wijziging aan de organieke wet van 27 december 1990 houdende oprichting van begrotingsfondsen