Access and benefit-sharing

Data last updated 1 Mar 2024
Legislation covers genetic resources (including microorganisms) and traditional knowledge
Legislation covers genetic resources (including microorganisms)
Legislation does not cover microorganisms
No ABS legislation identified
Data not collected

Source: Development of this subtopic was informed by the Nagoya Protocol, Halabi and Katz, and utilized data found in the national legislature websites for each country, as well as the ABS Clearing House, FAOLEX, and WIPO.

The scope of access and benefit-sharing (ABS) legislation is subject to much variation and ambiguity across the world. Early legal documents were initially intended to address animal and plant materials, but scientific advances have extended the meaning to encompass anything containing units of biological heredity, including pathogens and microbes. Furthermore, growing recognition of the exploitation of indigenous populations has led some countries to acknowledge the value of "traditional knowledge associated with genetic material." Here, we explore the extent to which global ABS legislation covers genetic resources (including or excluding microorganisms) and traditional knowledge.

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