The Biodiversity Act of Bhutan 2022

The Biodiversity Act of Bhutan 2022 thumbnail

This biodiversity Law enshrines in Bhutanese law the duties and obligations for third parties accessing genetic resources in Bhutan.

Applicable countryBhutan
Access to resources
Scope of legislation
Prior informed consent (PIC)
Contractual terms
Legal sanctions
Digital sequence information (DSI)
Original publication15 Jul 2022
Entered into force15 Jul 2022
Latest update15 Jul 2022
Available languages
English The Biodiversity Act of Bhutan 2022
Dzongkha འབྲུག་གི་སྐྱེ་ལྡན་རིགས་སྣའི་བཅའ་ཁྲིམས་ ༢༠༢༢ ཅན་མ།