Law on the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases

Law on the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases thumbnail

This law outlines the rules for the control of infectious diseases in Bosnia and Herzegovina and includes specific provisions on mandatory vaccination, quarantine and isolation. Part Vll states the various penal provisions for failing to comply with specific articles.

Applicable countryBosnia and Herzegovina
Quarantine and isolation
Childhood vaccination requirement
Diphtheria vaccination
Emergency vaccination authority
Enforcement of childhood vaccination requirement
Enforcement of emergency vaccination
Exemption from childhood vaccination requirement
Measles vaccination
Polio vaccination
Tuberculosis vaccination
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to quarantine
List of actionable diseases
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to isolate
Original publication1 Jan 2005
Entered into force9 Jan 2005
Latest update1 Jan 2005
Relevant articles

Article 3: Obligates healthcare institutions to control infectious diseases through national law.

Article 8: Lists isolatable and reportable diseases.

Article 9: Special measures for the control of infectious diseases are to be carried out in accordance with federal and cantonal programs.

Article 11: Qualifies both quarantine and isolation to fall under special measures in Article 9.

Article 21: Obligates healthcare institutions to isolate patients.

Article 22: During epidemics the Federal Minister can make decisions about isolation, but if the epidemic impacts only one canton, then the canton can make decisions about isolation with prior consent from the Federal Minister.

Article 40: Outlines the mandatory vaccinations, vaccinations for country entry/exit and states that any vaccination can be made mandatory against any infectious disease for which there are epidemiological indications that vaccination is necessary.

Article 41: States the requirements for medical exemptions.

Article 46: Establishes the Federal Minister's authority to quarantine, sets quarantinable diseases, requires the quarantine of healthcare workers treating patients with quarantinable diseases, and authorizes cantons to physically secure quarantine conditions.

Article 47: Establishes cantonal authority to quarantine through "home isolation" orders for family members of the sick.

Article 70: States that a fine of 100-2,000 KM can be imposed on any individual who fails to comply with mandatory and emergency vaccinations or persons who fail to comply with quarantine orders, home isolation orders, and isolation orders.

Available languages
Bosnian ZAKON o zaštiti stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti