Law No. 048-2017/AN of November 16, 2017 on the Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Code

Law No. 048-2017/AN of November 16, 2017 on the Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Code thumbnail

This Law establishes the State Veterinary Service as the competent veterinary authority in Burkina Faso. It regulates all areas of animal health and veterinary public health in Burkina Faso, including the profession of veterinary medicine, and feed and veterinary medications used in aquaculture. It contains measures for the prevention and control of communicable diseases in animals, such as quarantine.

Applicable countryBurkina Faso
Animal movement regulations
Approval of other animal health measures
Competent veterinary authority
Qualifications for prescribing veterinary medical products
Prophylactic use of antimicrobials
Original publication16 Nov 2017
Entered into force16 Nov 2017
Latest update16 Nov 2017
Available languages
French Loi n°048-2017/AN du 16 novembre 2017 portant Code de santé animale et de santé publique vétérinaire