Law No. 1/28 of 24 December 2009 relating to the health policy of domestic, wild, aquaculture and bee animals

Law No. 1/28 of 24 December 2009 relating to the health policy of domestic, wild, aquaculture and bee animals thumbnail

This Law establishes the competent veterinary authority in Burundi, and regulates all areas of animal health, including a mandate to restrict the movement of animals and enforce isolation/quarantine for the prevention and control of animal disease.

Applicable countryBurundi
Animal movement regulations
Approval of other animal health measures
Competent veterinary authority
Latest update24 Dec 2009
Available languages
French Loi n° 1/28 du 24 décembre 2009 relative à la police sanitaire des animaux domestiques, sauvages, aquacoles et abeilles