Decision No. 00150/MINEPDED of 25 Nov 2020

to lay down the terms ans conditions governing Access to Genetic Resources, their Derivatives, Associated Traditional Knowledge and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their utilization

Decision No. 00150/MINEPDED of 25 Nov 2020 thumbnail

This Decision by the Ministry of Environment lays down the terms and conditions for the implementation of access and benefit-sharing regulations in Cameroon

Applicable countryCameroon
Access to resources
Prior informed consent (PIC)
Contractual terms
Scope of legislation
Legal sanctions
Original publication25 Nov 2020
Entered into force25 Nov 2020
Latest update25 Nov 2020
Available languages
English Decision n°00150/MINEPDED of 25 Nov 2020
French Décision n°00150/MINEPDED du 25 Nov 2020