1967 Sanitary Code

1967 Sanitary Code thumbnail

This law modifies the 1931 Sanitary Code and sets forth provisions on vaccinations, quarantine, and isolation.

Applicable countryChile
Quarantine and isolation
Authority to isolate
Authority to quarantine
Emergency vaccination authority
Enforcement of childhood vaccination requirement
Exemption from childhood vaccination requirement
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
List of actionable diseases
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Childhood vaccination requirement
Enforcement of emergency vaccination
Original publication11 Dec 1967
Entered into force31 Jan 1968
Latest update11 Dec 1967
Relevant articles

Article 5 defines the "health authority" as the Minister of Health.

Articles 22 and 26 give the health authority the power to isolate and quarantine, respectively.

Article 32 and 33 - gives the President the power to declare, upon recommendation by the Director General of Public Health, mandatory vaccinations for the Chilean population. In the event of a disease outbreak for which there is a vaccine, the president can declare that vaccine mandatory as well. Medical exemptions are acceptable.

Article 175 outlines penalties. Individuals that do not comply with mandatory vaccination requirements will be subject to a fine ranging from about 5-51,000,000 Chilean Pesos.

Available languages
Spanish Codigo Sanitario 1967