Act of 17 May 2018 on conditions of utilisation of genetic resources under the Nagoya Protocol

Act of 17 May 2018 on conditions of utilisation of genetic resources under the Nagoya Protocol  thumbnail

Regulates into Czech law the right and obligations incurred by the EU ABS Legislation. Designates a competent national authority responsible for the monitoring of ABS proceedings, and for the penalization of non-compliance.

Applicable countryCzechia
Legal sanctions
Scope of legislation
Original publication17 May 2018
Entered into force1 Jun 2018
Latest update17 May 2018
Available languages
English Act of 17 May 2018 on conditions of utilisation of genetic resources under the Nagoya Protocol
Czech ZÁKON č. 93/2018 Sb. ze dne 17. května 2018 o podmínkách využívání genetických zdrojů podle Nagojského protokolu