Decree No. 955 - Health Code

Decree No. 955 - Health Code thumbnail

This law outlines governmental responsibilities in public health, including disease prevention activities. Article 131 addresses notifiable diseases, while article 132 addresses quarantinable diseases; quarantine and isolation powers are addressed in article 136, and article 287 pertains to enforcement mechanisms. Article 164 dictates the entry/exit vaccination requirements for El Salvador, which are to be in alignment with WHO standards.

Applicable countryEl Salvador
Quarantine and isolation
Risk communication and community engagement
Quarantine and isolation policies
Authority to quarantine
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to isolate
List of actionable diseases
Public benefit broadcasting
Original publication28 Apr 1988
Entered into force19 May 1988
Latest update28 Sep 2022
Relevant articles

Articles 131, 132, 136, and 287 - Quarantine/Isolation and notifiable disease Article 164 - Entry/Exit vaccination

Article 46 Social media will collaborate with the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance for the dissemination of educational health messages.

Available languages
Spanish Decreto No. 955 - Código de Salud