Food Products/Animal Feed Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Code of Georgia (No. 6155-IS of 2012)

Food Products/Animal Feed Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Code of Georgia (No. 6155-IS of 2012) thumbnail

This Act regulates veterinary control, food and feed safety, and plant protection in Georgia, including the prevention and control of communicable diseases in animals. It establishes the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia as the competent veterinary authority.

Applicable countryGeorgia
Competent veterinary authority
Animal movement regulations
Approval of other animal health measures
Latest update8 May 2012
Available languages
English საქართველოს სურსათის/ცხოველის საკვების უვნებლობის, ვეტერინარიისა და მცენარეთა დაცვის კოდექსი (№6155-Iს, 2012 წ.)