Law of Georgia No. 5069 about Public Health

Law of Georgia No. 5069 about Public Health thumbnail

This consolidated legislation gives the national government the power to quarantine and isolate in Article 11. The law also places the penalty of forced isolation or quarantine for the violation of isolation or quarantine order, respectively.

Applicable countryGeorgia
Quarantine and isolation
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to quarantine
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to isolate
List of actionable diseases
Childhood vaccination requirement
Exemption from childhood vaccination requirement
Emergency vaccination authority
Original publication27 Jun 2007
Entered into force12 Jul 2007
Latest update21 Sep 2023
Relevant articles

Article 3 (n-p), 6 (b-c) - Mandatory Childhood and Emergency Vaccination Article 5, 8- Medical and Nonmedical Exemption provisions Article 11

Available languages
Georgian საქართველოს კანონი საზოგადოებრივი ჯანმრთელობის შესახებ