Law for Protection against Measles and to Strengthen Vaccination Prevention

(Measles Protection Act)

Law for Protection against Measles and to Strengthen Vaccination Prevention thumbnail

This law requires that all children over the age of 1 that are either cared for in a communal setting or are of compulsory schooling age, be vaccinated against measles. It is noted that while the mandate only applies to measles, the only vaccination against measles in Germany is the MMR vaccine. Unvaccinated children must be excluded from nursery schools, while the parents of school-aged children will be fined up to 2,500 Euros if their child stays unvaccinated. All other vaccines in Germany are recommended, but not mandatory. 

Applicable countryGermany
Measles vaccination
Enforcement of childhood vaccination requirement
Exemption from childhood vaccination requirement
Childhood vaccination requirement
Original publication13 Feb 2020
Entered into force1 Mar 2020
Latest update13 Feb 2020
Available languages
German Gesetz für den Schutz vor Masern und zur Stärkung der Impfprävention (Masernschutzgesetz)