Vaccine Law of the Republic of Honduras

Vaccine Law of the Republic of Honduras  thumbnail

This legislation outlines the legal framework for the distribution, reception and enforcement of mandatory vaccines in Honduras. Articles 59 and 145 of the Honduran Constitution state that citizens have a right to have their personal health and the health of their community ensured by the government. Pursuant to these articles, Article 6 of this law states that all vaccines published in the National Vaccine Scheme are compulsory for individuals residing in the country. Article 18 then states that schools and employers are required to ensure that pupils or employees are in compliance with this law. However, pupils cannot be excluded from school for failing to produce documentation of their vaccinations and must instead be directed to the nearest public health institution to complete their vaccinations or paperwork. Article 21 outlines requirements to receive a medical exemption and Article 27 includes legal provisions for mandatory vaccination in the event of a novel disease outbreak. 

Applicable countryHonduras
Childhood vaccination requirement
Chickenpox (varicella) vaccination
Diphtheria vaccination
Emergency vaccination authority
Enforcement of childhood vaccination requirement
Enforcement of emergency vaccination
Exemption from childhood vaccination requirement
Measles vaccination
Polio vaccination
Tuberculosis vaccination
Original publication26 Mar 2014
Entered into force24 Jul 2014
Latest update26 Mar 2014
Relevant articles

Articles 6, 18, 21, 27

Available languages
Spanish Ley de vacunas de la republica de Honduras