Public Health Law No. 89 of 1981

Public Health Law No. 89 of 1981 thumbnail

This law outlines the functions of the Ministry of Health which include providing for the safety of drinking water and observing the application of those regulations, specifications, and conditions within their purview. It also contains information on quarantine and isolation and mandatory vaccinations.

Applicable countryIraq
Quarantine and isolation
Authority to isolate
Authority to quarantine
Diphtheria vaccination
Enforcement of emergency vaccination
List of actionable diseases
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Measles vaccination
Polio vaccination
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Tuberculosis vaccination
Water quality monitoring
Water quality standards
Original publication1 Aug 1981
Entered into force30 Sep 1981
Latest update1 Aug 1981
Relevant articles

Article 7, Section 7 - Mandatory vaccinations

Article 10, 2B - Enforcement Mechanism (Social Exclusion - Vaccination is a precondition for admission to schools and some occupations)

Article 56 - Emergency Vaccination - Punishable by a jail sentence between 1-12 months, as stated by Article 98

Available languages
Arabic قانون الصحة العامة رقم (89) لسنة 1981