Ministerial Decree (Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea) 14 April 2009, n. 56 Regulation

concerning the technical criteria to monitor water sources and conditions under which modify technical provisions of the Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n. 152 Environmental law provisions, under article 75, paragraph 3.

Ministerial Decree (Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea) 14 April 2009, n. 56 Regulation  thumbnail

This decree amends parts of the Legislative Decree No. 152 approving the Code on the Environment by adding new technical sheets related to updated water quality and monitoring competencies.

Applicable countryItaly
Water quality monitoring
Water quality standards
Original publication14 Apr 2009
Entered into force14 Jun 2009
Latest update14 Apr 2009
Available languages
Italian Decreto Ministero dell’Ambiente del Territorio e del Mare 14 aprile 2009, n. 56 Regolamento recante “Criteri tecnici per il monitoraggio dei corpi idrici e l'identificazione delle condizioni di riferimento per la modifica delle norme tecniche del decreto legislativo 3 aprile 2006, n. 152, recante Norme in materia ambientale, predisposto ai sensi dell'articolo 75, comma 3, del decreto legislativo medesimo”