Resolution No. 612 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 24, 2020

On the approval of the list of diseases against which mandatory preventive vaccinations are carried out within the guaranteed scope of medical care, the rules and terms of vaccinations and the groups of the population subject to preventive vaccinations

Resolution No. 612 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 24, 2020 thumbnail

This law states the mandatory vaccinations that must be administered to children of an appropriate age in Kazakhstan. Additionally, this law details procedures for quarantine, isolation, and sending a tuberculosis patient into forced treatment.

Applicable countryKazakhstan
Quarantine and isolation
Authority to isolate
Authority to quarantine
Childhood vaccination requirement
Diphtheria vaccination
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
List of actionable diseases
Measles vaccination
Polio vaccination
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Tuberculosis vaccination
Original publication24 Sep 2020
Entered into force24 Sep 2020
Latest update24 Sep 2020
Relevant articles

Article 104.7.6 - Isolation Article 104.7.7 - Quarantine Articles 157 and 158 - Court Ordered Tuberculosis Treatment Annex 1 - Requirement for Mandatory Childhood Vaccination

Available languages
Kazakh Медициналық көмектің кепілдік берілген көлемі шеңберінде оларға қарсы міндетті профилактикалық екпелер жүргізілетін аурулардың тізбесін, екпелерді жүргізу қағидаларын, мерзімдерін және халықтың профилактикалық екпелерге жататын топтарын бекіту туралы