Law No. 8 of 1969 regarding health precautions to prevent communicable diseases

Law No. 8 of 1969 regarding health precautions to prevent communicable diseases thumbnail

This document describes the legal mechanisms that may be used to prevent and control infectious diseases in Kuwait. There have been subsequent amendments to update enforcement mechanisms.

Applicable countryKuwait
Quarantine and isolation
Emergency vaccination authority
Enforcement of emergency vaccination
Quarantine and isolation policies
Authority to quarantine
Authority to isolate
List of actionable diseases
Original publication7 Apr 1969
Entered into force7 Apr 1969
Latest update7 Apr 1969
Relevant articles

Articles 4 - Isolation

Articles 5, 6 - Quarantine

Articles 12, 13 - Emergency Vaccination

Article 15 - Emergency Vaccination and Population-level Quarantine

Article 17 - Enforcement of Emergency Vaccination (Criminalization), has since been amended

Table - Actionable Diseases

Available languages
Arabic قانون رقم (8) لسنة 1969 في شأن الاحتياطات الصحية للوقاية من الأمراض السارية