Resolution No. 121 of 2011 regarding the registration, import, manufacture and circulation of veterinary medicinal preparations, disinfectants, sterilizers, veterinary raw materials and feed additives

Resolution No. 121 of 2011 regarding the registration, import, manufacture and circulation of veterinary medicinal preparations, disinfectants, sterilizers, veterinary raw materials and feed additives thumbnail

This Resolution regulates the registration, import and manufacture of veterinary medicinal products in Lebanon, as well as the use of feed additives and antibiotics in livestock feed.

Applicable countryLebanon
Prophylactic use of antimicrobials
Medicated feed
Latest update27 Jan 2011
Available languages
Arabic قرار رقم 121 لسنة 2011 بشأن تسجيل واستيراد وتصنيع وتداول المستحضرات الطبية البيطرية والمطهرات والمعقمات والمواد الاولية البيطرية والمزيدات العلفية