Cabinet Resolution No. 101 of 2012 for the adoption of the organizational structure and functions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Marine Wealth and organization of its administrative apparatus

Cabinet Resolution No. 101 of 2012 for the adoption of the organizational structure and functions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Marine Wealth and organization of its administrative apparatus thumbnail

This Resolution establishes the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Marine Wealth as the competent veterinary authority in Libya, having control over all animal health and veterinary medicine.

Applicable countryLibya
Competent veterinary authority
Latest update10 Mar 2012
Available languages
Arabic قرار مجلس الوزراء رفم (101) لسنة 2012م باعتماد الهيكل التنظيمي واختصاصات وزراة الزراعة والثروة الحيوانية والبحرية وتنظيم جهازها الإدارية