Minister of Health Resolution No. 456 of 1975 - Issuing the Executive Regulations for the Health Law

Minister of Health Resolution No. 456 of 1975 - Issuing the Executive Regulations for the Health Law thumbnail

This Ministry of Health decision establishes regulations on the enforcement of the 1973 Health Law, including provisions on public health, infectious diseases, and compulsory vaccinations.

Applicable countryLibya
Quarantine and isolation
Authority to isolate
Authority to quarantine
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
List of actionable diseases
Measles vaccination
Polio vaccination
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Tuberculosis vaccination
Original publication1 Sep 1975
Entered into force1 Sep 1975
Latest update1 Sep 1975
Relevant articles

Chapter 7, Section 1: Infectious Diseases Article 198 - defines "health authorities" for the infectious disease section. Articles 189-195 - bestow quarantine and isolation powers to the competent health authorities. Article 190 - gives additional isolation powers to Judicial Enforcement Officers. The table at the end of Section 7, Chapter 1: Infectious Diseases establishes notifiable and isolatable diseases. Article 199 and 200 - Mandatory Childhood Vaccination Requirement Article 205 - Emergency Vaccination Article 207 - Medical Exemptions Article 209 - Entry/Exit Vaccinations (Yellow Fever, Cholera, Smallpox) Section 542 refers to penalties listed in the Health Law of 1973.

Available languages
Arabic قرار وزير الصحة رقم 456 لسنة 1973م بإصدار اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون الصحي