Decree No. 19/2007 approving the Regulation on Access to and Sharing of Benefits from Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge.

Decree No. 19/2007 approving the Regulation on Access to and Sharing of Benefits from Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge. thumbnail

This decree outlines the rules on access and benefit-sharing within Mozambique as of 2007. It covers definitions of scope (art 1), consent (art 12), benefit-sharing (Chap VI), contracts (art 23-24), and legal sanctions (Chap VII), among other mechanisms.

Applicable countryMozambique
Access to resources
Contractual terms
Digital sequence information (DSI)
Legal sanctions
Prior informed consent (PIC)
Scope of legislation
Original publication9 Aug 2007
Entered into force5 Feb 2008
Latest update9 Aug 2007
Available languages
Portuguese Decreto n. 19/2007 - Aprova o Regulamento sobre Acesso e Partilha de Benefícios Provenientes de Recursos Genéticos e Conhecimento Tradicional Associado