Decree No. 46 of 2006 to amend the Decree containing measures regarding quality objectives and measurements for surface waters and the Decree on hygiene and security of swimming facilities

Decree No. 46 of 2006 to amend the Decree containing measures regarding quality objectives and measurements for surface waters and the Decree on hygiene and security of swimming facilities thumbnail

This decree amends another on measures for quality objectives for water and the framework for programs of monitoring water quality.

Applicable countryNetherlands
Water quality standards
Water quality monitoring
Original publication26 Dec 2007
Entered into force26 Dec 2007
Latest update26 Dec 2007
Available languages
Dutch Besluit van 27 december 2006, houdende wijziging van het Besluit kwaliteitsdoelstellingen en metingen oppervlaktewateren en van het Besluit hygiƫne en veiligheid badinrichtingen en zwemgelegenheden