Health Act 1956

(No. 65 of 1956)

Health Act 1956 thumbnail

This Act aims to protect the health of both people and animals in New Zealand. It identifies the competent veterinary authority, and contains measures for the prevention and control of communicable diseases in animals. Notably this law bases initial disease control measures in humans on proportionality and voluntary compliance. The law allows Medical Officers of Health to issue home-based isolation and quarantine directions to patients and contacts; not following these instructions can result in a fine. But if a Medical Officer of Health does not believe the risk can be managed by voluntary compliance with directions, they can order temporary isolation/detainment through an urgent public health order, which is enforceable through reasonable force, fines, and imprisonment; this isolation lasts for 72 hours, unless extended by a District Court. Additionally, District Courts can make public health orders that can force contacts to quarantine at home or force patients to isolate either at home or in a hospital. These District Court orders are enforceable with reasonable force, fines, and imprisonment. The Medical Officer of Health qualifies as the national government, as they are designated by the Director General.

Applicable countryNew Zealand
Quarantine and isolation
Animal movement regulations
Approval of other animal health measures
Authority to isolate
Authority to quarantine
Competent veterinary authority
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
List of actionable diseases
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Original publication25 Oct 1956
Entered into force17 Feb 2024
Latest update9 Mar 2020
Relevant articles

Quarantine Directions - 92J, 92K Quarantine Orders - 92ZJ Isolation Directions - 92I, 92K Isolation Orders - 92Z, 92ZA, 92ZF Direction Enforcement Mechanisms - 92V Order Enforcement Mechanisms - 92ZV, 92ZW Notifiable Diseases - Schedule 1 Medical Officer of Health Jurisdiction - 7A

Available languages
English Health Act 1956 (No. 65 of 1956)