The Law on the Control of Communicable Diseases

Promulgated by the Royal Decree 73/92 (Consolidated up to Royal Decree 32/2020 issued on 23 March 2020)

The Law on the Control of Communicable Diseases thumbnail

This document describes the actions that may be taken to control communicable diseases in Oman. It includes requirements for mandatory vaccination during epidemics.

Applicable countryOman
Quarantine and isolation
Authority to isolate
Authority to quarantine
Emergency vaccination authority
Enforcement of emergency vaccination
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
List of actionable diseases
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Original publication23 Mar 2020
Entered into force23 Mar 2020
Latest update23 Mar 2020
Relevant articles

Article 6 - Isolation

Articles 7 and 8 - Quarantine

Article 14 - Emergency Vaccination

Article 20 - Enforcement of Emergency Vaccination, Quarantine, and Isolation (Criminalization)

Section I - Isolatable and Quarantinable Diseases

Available languages
English The Law on the Control of Communicable Diseases Promulgated by Royal Decree 73/92