Executive Decree No. 19 of March 26, 2019

on the Regulation of the Access and Control of the Use of Biological and Genetic Resources in the Republic of Panama and on the Establishment of Other Measures

Executive Decree No. 19 of March 26, 2019 thumbnail

Executive decree outlining the rules and regulations by which access to biological and genetic resources are governed.

Applicable countryPanama
Access to resources
Prior informed consent (PIC)
Scope of legislation
Original publication27 Mar 2019
Entered into force28 Mar 2019
Latest update27 Mar 2019
Available languages
Spanish Decreto Ejecutivo N° 19 de 26 de marzo de 2019 'Por el Cual se Reglamenta el Acceso y Control del Uso de los Recursos Biologicos y Geneticos en la Republica de Panama y Se Dictan otras Medidas'