Executive Decree No. 25 By Which Article 71 of Law 41 of July 1, 1998, General of the Environment, is regulated

Executive Decree No. 25 By Which Article 71 of Law 41 of July 1, 1998, General of the Environment, is regulated thumbnail

Detailed regulations for the use of contracts to ensure benefits to the Panamanian state for all biological resources.

Applicable countryPanama
Scope of legislation
Prior informed consent (PIC)
Access to resources
Contractual terms
Legal sanctions
Original publication30 Apr 2009
Entered into force30 Apr 2009
Latest update30 Apr 2009
Available languages
Spanish Decreto Ejecutivo No. 25 Por el cual se reglamenta el Artículo 71 de la Ley 41 de 1 de julio de 1998, General de Ambiente