Law Introducing the Protection Regime for the Collective Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples derived from Biological Resources

Law No. 27811

Law Introducing the Protection Regime for the Collective Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples derived from Biological Resources thumbnail

Recognizes the right and power of indigenous peoples and communities to decide the use of and collect compensation for their collective knowledge.

Applicable countryPeru
Access to resources
Contractual terms
Legal sanctions
Prior informed consent (PIC)
Scope of legislation
Original publication10 Aug 2002
Entered into force11 Aug 2002
Latest update10 Aug 2002
Available languages
English Law No. 27811 Introducing the Protection Regime for the Collective Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples derived from Biological Resources
Spanish Ley N° 27811 mediante la cual se establece el régimen de protección de los conocimientos colectivos de los pueblos indígenas vinculados a los recursos biológicos