On preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans

Act of December 5, 2008

On preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans thumbnail

Article 5 of this act provides the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, located within the Ministry of Health, with a mandate to set the annual vaccination calendar. Moreover, Article 5 obligates all persons under the age of 19 residing in Poland for more than three months to be vaccinated in accordance with this calendar. The State District Sanitary Inspector is granted the authority to quarantine and isolate in Articles 33 and 37, with the former include provisions about physician quarantine authority. Article 35 grants physicians the authority to isolate. Enforcement mechanisms for quarantine and isolation are detailed in Article 36, which allows for direct coercion if someone refuses quarantine or isolation.

Applicable countryPoland
Quarantine and isolation
Childhood vaccination requirement
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to quarantine
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Authority to isolate
List of actionable diseases
Original publication5 Dec 2008
Entered into force5 Dec 2008
Latest update5 Dec 2008
Relevant articles

Childhood Vaccination Calendar and Obligation - Article 5 Actionable Diseases - Articles 1.4, 3, Annex Isolation by Physician - Article 35 Isolation and Quarantine by State District Sanitary Inspector - Articles 33, 37 Quarantine by Physician - Article 33 Quarantine and Isolation Enforcement Mechanisms - Article 36

Available languages
Polish USTAWA z dnia 5 grudnia 2008 r. o zapobieganiu oraz zwalczaniu zakażeń i chorób zakaźnych u ludzi