Order No. 828 / 23.03.2023 for the approval of the General Guidelines and the practical Guidelines on the Nagoya Protocol

Order No. 828 / 23.03.2023 for the approval of the General Guidelines and the practical Guidelines on the Nagoya Protocol thumbnail

Order which explains the implementation of the EU ABS Regulation. Discusses obligations incurred with accessing genetic resources in Romania or overseas, including a duty to abide by PIC, MAT, and compliance mechanisms.

Applicable countryRomania
Contractual terms
Prior informed consent (PIC)
Scope of legislation
Original publication26 Apr 2023
Entered into force26 Apr 2023
Latest update26 Apr 2023
Available languages
Romanian Ordinul ministrului mediului, apelor și pădurilor nr. 828/2023 pentru aprobarea Ghidului general și a Ghidului practic privind Protocolul de la Nagoya