Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic establishing details on the prevention and control of communicable diseases

Decree no. 585/2008

Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic establishing details on the prevention and control of communicable diseases thumbnail

This document provides specific regulations for the prevention and mitigation of infectious diseases in Slovakia. Specific provisions include quarantine and isolation, and mandatory vaccinations.

Applicable countrySlovakia
Quarantine and isolation
Diphtheria vaccination
Emergency vaccination authority
Exemption from childhood vaccination requirement
Measles vaccination
Polio vaccination
Childhood vaccination requirement
Quarantine and isolation policies
Authority to quarantine
Original publication20 Dec 2008
Entered into force20 Dec 2008
Latest update20 Dec 2008
Relevant articles

Section 5.1 - a) Mandatory Vaccinations, h) Emergency Vaccinations

Section 6 - Mandatory Vaccinations

Section 11 - Entry/Exit Vaccinations (Yellow Fever)

Section 13 - Exemption Provisions (Medical Exemptions)

Section 18 - Quarantine

Section 19 - Isolation

Available languages
Slovak Vyhláška Ministerstva zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky, ktorou sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o prevencii a kontrole prenosných ochorení