Ordinance on access to genetic resources and fair sharing and equitable benefits arising from their use

(Nagoya Ordinance, ONag)

Ordinance on access to genetic resources and fair sharing and equitable benefits arising from their use thumbnail

This ordinance outlines Switzerland's regulations regarding access and benefit-sharing legislation. This outlines rules regarding due diligence, access to domestic genetic resources, compliance mechanisms, and competent national authorities.

Applicable countrySwitzerland
Scope of legislation
Access to resources
Original publication26 Jan 2016
Entered into force1 Feb 2016
Latest update26 Jan 2016
Available languages
French Ordonnance sur l’accès aux ressources génétiques et le partage juste et équitable des avantages découlant de leur utilisation
German Verordnung über den Zugang zu genetischen Ressourcen und die ausgewogene und gerechte Aufteilung der sich aus ihrer Nutzung ergebenden Vorteile
Italian Ordinanza sull’accesso alle risorse genetiche e la giusta ed equa condivisione dei benefici derivanti dalla loro utilizzazione