Organic Law on Public Health

Law No. 9202

Organic Law on Public Health thumbnail

This law assigns duties and powers to the Ministry of Public Health. Article 2 assigns quarantine and isolation powers to the Ministry of Public Health. Article 5 outlines the powers of the health authority to require vaccination in the event of an emergency.

Applicable countryUruguay
Quarantine and isolation
Authority to isolate
Authority to quarantine
Emergency vaccination authority
Enforcement of emergency vaccination
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
List of actionable diseases
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Original publication22 Jan 1934
Entered into force12 Jan 1934
Latest update22 Jan 1934
Relevant articles

Article 2

Article 5 - Emergency Vaccination

Article 8 - Enforcement of Emergency Vaccination

Available languages
Spanish Ley No. 9.202 de la Ley Orgánica del Ministerio de Salud Publica