Public Health Act, 1930

Public Health Act, 1930 thumbnail

This law outlines the responsibilities of the national government for public health. Sections 20 and 28 assign the power to isolate to the national level, while sections 21 and 22 pertain to penalties for isolation violations. Section 9 lists notifiable diseases, which can be amended by the national government. There are also provisions for mandatory routine and emergency vaccination.

Applicable countryZambia
Quarantine and isolation
Authority to isolate
Authority to quarantine
Emergency vaccination authority
Enforcement of childhood vaccination requirement
Enforcement of emergency vaccination
Exemption from childhood vaccination requirement
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
List of actionable diseases
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Childhood vaccination requirement
Original publication11 Apr 1930
Entered into force11 Apr 1930
Latest update11 Nov 2023
Relevant articles

Sections 9, 20, 21, 22, 28

Section 30 - Emergency Vaccination

Section 38 - Entry/Exit Vaccination

Section 39, 40(c) - Childhood Vaccination (against Smallpox)

Section 41 - Exemption Provisions (Medical)

Section 44 - Vaccinations provided free of charge

Section 46 - Enforcement of Childhood Vaccination (Social Exclusion)

Section 109 - Enforcement of Emergency and Childhood Vaccination (Criminalization)

Available languages
English Public Health Act, 1930