Law No. 18-11 - Relating to Health

Law No. 18-11 - Relating to Health thumbnail

This document outlines the legal measures that may be taken to combat infectious diseases and promote public health in Algeria. Broad language granting both national and subnational actors the authority to take measures to prevent disease encompasses both quarantine and isolation authority.

Applicable countryAlgeria
Quarantine and isolation
Authority to isolate
Authority to quarantine
Childhood vaccination requirement
Emergency vaccination authority
Isolation enforcement mechanisms and penalties
List of actionable diseases
Quarantine and isolation policies
Quarantine enforcement mechanisms and penalties
Original publication2 Jul 2018
Entered into force2 Jul 2018
Latest update2 Jul 2018
Relevant articles

Article 15 - National Quarantine and Isolation Authority

Article 35 - Subnational Quarantine and Isolation Authority

Article 38 - Requires Citizen Compliance with Disease Prevention Measures

Articles 40 and 41 - Mandatory Childhood Vaccination and Emergency Vaccination

Available languages
French Loi n° 18-11 du 18 Chaoual 1439 correspondant au 2 juillet 2018 relative à la santé.